Écrire la montagne
Lothaire Arnoux

Hey, nimble fingers!
Coline Malaman

Marie-Nicole Hérissant, an absent vestal of Parisian typographic history
Louna Bourdon

The Missing Scripts 2024: Eskaya & Songhai
Franco Jonas

The Missing Scripts 2024: Masaba & The West African Forest of Symbols
Nunzio Mazzaferro

Myrthe Van Rompaey

In the margins of stone
Camille Martinet

Alfred Erdmann’s Decorative Writing
Juliette Ogier

Folklore Font
Jeanne Saliou

Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 100
Johannes Ammon

Phong Hóa
Khải Nguyễn

The Missing Scripts 2023: Sidetic
Fangzheng Li

The Missing Scripts 2023: Lampung
Ariq Syauqi

Writings of protest
Audrey Gonnet

Between architecture and typography
Alexandre Liziard

The Frutiger Archive
Anna-Lena Wuerth

The Missing Scripts 2022: Bété
Adam Yeo

The Missing Scripts 2022: Proto-Elamite
Kaveh Ashourinia

Varya Goncharova

Writing my name on the metropolis
François Chastanet

ANRT Sigilla
Délia Préteux

L’immatriculation des chaloupes en Bretagne [1852 – 1914]
Yoan De Roeck

Letters that we expect to create an image
Julien Van Anholt

Lettres en résonance
Juanma Gomez

Re-read, -search, -weave, -publish
Andréa Bouin

The Missing Scripts 2021: Dives Akuru
Fernando Caro

The Missing Scripts 2021: Linear Elamite
Sina Fakour

Banane Bleue
Marie Lécrivain

Genre & Typographie : Redessiner les lignes
Eugénie Bidaut

Les archives de Hans-Jürg Hunziker
Tânia Raposo

Lost and Found: Carte Antique
Sean Kuhnke

L'imaginaire typographique de Louis Jou
Jules Durand

The Missing script 2020: Book Pahlavi
Amir Mahdi Moslehi

diacritics.info, the diacritical datas
Yeelena De Bels

The Scriptorium de Toulouse (1967 – 2005), a “Dossier resté sans Suite”
Juliette Flécheux

Depicting the indiscernible
Océane Juvin

Sharada & Latin: One tool, two angles
Parimal Parmar

The Missing Scripts 2019: Mayan
Alexandre Bassi

Visiting the Text
Pierre Fave

Les hiéroglyphes : surface et contour d’un système d’écriture.
Pierre Fournier

Displaying dyslexia
Sofie Gagelmans

The Russian gothic: 2487 km of contrast
Vincent Lacombe

Reconsidering reading of computerized lexicographical tools
François Elain

Sculpting Light
Federico Parra

The Missing Scripts 2018: Afaka.
Émilie Aurat

Three languages, two scripts and one medium. Biscriptual Trilingualism.
So-Hyun Bae

CNC Type
Tanguy Vanlaeys

Gotico-Antiqua, Proto-Roman, Hybrid
Alexis Faudot, Rafael Ribas

Typography, a digital tool for the acquisition of written language
Rosalie Wagner

Poetic program, typographic system
Rémi Forte

The Missing Scripts 2017: Poster, Nsibidi & Elymaic
Morgane Pierson

”What should an Alef look like?”
Montasser Drissi

Form & visibility of archives online: editing the archives of Antoine Vitez’ Electra
Gabriele Cepulyte

Clément Le Tulle-Neyret

The tsar’s roman
Isia Yurovsky

The Missing Scripts 2016: Paleo Hispanic
Arthur Francietta

Un système d’écriture pour la notation gymnique
Camille Trimardeau

La typographie au service de l’apprentissage de l’écriture manuscrite à l’école maternelle : une pratique de découverte matérielle de la lettre
Éloïsa Pérez

Typographic manipulation
Corentin Noyer

(Trans)textual interfaces
Sylvain Julé

Italicismes. From Aldine to oblique, italic forms in relation to the traditional family model
Lucas Descroix

Le grain du texte imprimé
Miklós Ferencz

The signs on the wall
Pierre Fournier

Mário Vinícius

Alice Jauneau

Typeface for monetary inscriptions
Elvire Volk Leonovitch

Re‑Typograph 2014
David Vallance

A typeface for the first musical notations
Francis Ramel

Borders areas
Céline Kriebs

La réalisation matérielle du “Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch”
Sarah Kremer

Re‑Typograph 2013
Thomas Bouville

Awal. One country, three wrting systems
Redouan Chetuan

Design and development of an extended phonetic typeface
Sarah Kremer

From the gesture to the idea: graphic forms of the writing at the primary school
Éloïsa Pérez

Ugly faces
Julián Moncada

Mapping composition, new topology
Sébastien Biniek