The call for applications is closed.

The recruitment process is international 
and the number of places is limited to six. The programme is open to postgraduate in visual communication and graphic design who have completed a master’s degree or equivalent, and to professionals, regardless of their nationality – no age limit applies. Each researcher receives a personal grant of €4,450. The duration of the curriculum is 4 semesters: 3 semesters in Nancy (form October to March) and 1 semester of professionalisation/ internship. Applicants can present a personal research project or apply to one of the 2024 research programmes: Titulus, or The Missing Scripts.

Research Programmes 2024

Titulus. Typography and medieval epigraphy

Since 2016, the epigraphy team at the CNSCM in Poitiers has been developing TITULUS, the digital component of the Corpus des inscriptions de la France médiévale. One of its aims is to offer a “dynamic” edition, with a plural vision of the text thanks to various tabs that highlight graphic aspects such as: 1) glyphs; 2) letter sets; 3) abbreviations; 4) spaces, connected to a global reflection on punctuation.

To display unencoded characters, the MUFI (Medieval Unicode Font Initiative) database is used, via the Unicode private zone. This option is no longer entirely satisfactory, and it’s time to think about a dedicated typographic solution for representing inscribed characters, which can be integrated into XML-TEI, to provide a real bridge between the encoding of inscriptions and the display of glyph variants.

The corpus studied is that of the GRAPH-EAST project (ERC, February 2021-January 2027), which is processing a set of 3,000 inscriptions and graffiti in Latin alphabet, spanning ten centuries (from the 7th c. to the 16th c.) and spread across ten countries of the eastern Mediterranean, thanks to a multidisciplinary team of around ten researchers, engineers and students. Its aim is to assemble as exhaustive a corpus as possible, while considering the epigraphic document in its four dimensions (textual, material, contextual and functional), and to meet four main scientific objectives: 1) To explore the cycle of the epigraphic object, from its production to its reception today; 2) To understand the representation and practice of writing in the Latin alphabet in the East; 3) To place the Latin script in a broad graphic landscape, taking into account surrounding scripts - Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Armenian, Georgian, etc. - to propose a connected history of epigraphs. 4) Analyze this migrant script through the prism of cultural transfers between East and West.

The Missing Scripts 2024

Unicode has become an essential character-encoding standard for exchanging texts electronically. Unicode 15 encompasses 161 different writing systems, and more than 149 000 characters: its ambition is to include all the scripts of humanity.

The website, started in 2005 by Johannes Bergerhausen, and its associated book decodeunicode Schriftzeichen die der Welt (ed. Hermann Schmidt) gives a fascinating insight into the richness and diversity of the scripts covered by Unicode. And yet, more than a hundred writing systems are still missing from Unicode: minority and/or indigenous scripts, sometimes ancient or undeciphered (but not necessarily complex in their design), which are still awaiting to be approved by the Unicode Consortium.

The aim of the Script Encoding Initiative (SEI) at the University of Berkeley is to provide the linguistic expertise required to submit new proposals for these writing systems to Unicode. Many of these scripts have never existed in a typographic form, and display some very interesting shapes: they represent a kind of unexplored territory for type designers. The Missing Scripts project aims to support the SEI’s proposals to Unicode, through the design of typefaces for the missing entries. To achieve this, a multi-year research program is implemented, based on a classification by Johannes Bergerhausen, who established different levels of complexity for these scripts, based on the SEI database. The work will be conducted over a number of years, combining several levels of expertise: linguistics (SEI, Berkeley), type design (ANRT) and graphic design / mediation (decodeunicode, Hochschule Mainz).

The website The World’s Writing Sytems and the poster show the actual state of research.

The Missing Scripts programme will focus, from October 2024 to March 2026, on the following scripts: MASABA, MINIM DAG NOORE, N’TI , LOMA, LUO LAKESIDE, ODÙDUWÀ, SONGHAI (edit. 2024/06/17: GBÉKOUN, MWANGWEGO and ZAGHAWA removed, N’TI, LOMA et LUO LAKESIDE added). In collaboration with Johannes Bergerhausen, we will also investigate the graphic representation of a “family tree” of the world’s writing systems.

Desired profile for the application:

  • Interest in Latin and non-Latin type design (specify which writing system)

  • English spoken

  • Good organisational skills

Visiting professors & experts:
Pr Johannes Bergerhausen, Hochschule Mainz (DE) /
Dr Deborah Anderson, Dr Anushah Hossain Université de Berkeley (USA) / Script Encoding Initiative
Dr Thomas Mullaney, Université de Stanford (USA) / Silicon


Schedule 2024

  • April 2024: call for applications 

  • 23 June 2024: deadline for submission of applications on 

  • 27 June 2024: Notification of shortlisted applications available online. 
Interview dates and times will be announced together with the application results. 

  • 2 July 2024: admission interview with the selection committee (online). 

  • 03 October 2023: academic year starts.


Applications must be submitted by June 23th, 2024, 23:59 UTC+2 in electronic form only (PDF) and should include: 

  • A document or portfolio demonstrating the candidate’s approach and his recent work. (PDF format, 10MB maximum);

  • A typographic research project. Candidates should present in written form the personal project, or the research programme they plan to undertake at the ANRT (3 pages maximum); 

  • A covering letter detailing your reasons for applying; 

  • A registration form, to be downloaded from the ANRT website:

  • A detailed CV; 

  • A photocopy of the candidate’s identity card or passport; 

  • Two passport photographs with the candidate’s name; 

  • Copies of certificates

For further information


The interview panel comprises:

  • The Course Director and one tutor from the ANRT 

  • Three qualified interviewers appointed by ANRT’s management board

During the interview the panel will focus on: 

  • The quality and maturity of the work presented 

  • The candidate’s ability to contextualise and present their project effectively, as well as visualising ways in which it might be developed 

  • The candidate’s motivation and level of expertise 

  • The ability to approach typography from an experimental and/or interdisciplinary perspective



I am currently a master student and I will soon graduate. Can I apply now for the next session?
— Yes. The applications are open to students who are currently registered in Master 2. 

I graduated a few years ago, but my diploma is not a Master’s degree. Can I still apply?
— Yes. Exceptions can be made : for the holders of DNSEP who graduated before 2011 (when the DNSEP became a Master’s degree) and for the holders of a DSAA. 

Is there an age restriction to join the ANRT?
— No.

I do not speak either French or English, is it a problem?
— Yes. The discussions at the ANRT are in French and in English. A good level in both languages is required : if you have some difficulties in one or the other, training is available on the Artem campus, at “la Maison des Langues” (self-learning, language exchange groups). 

I submitted my application. What is the next step?
— The shortlist will be made the following week. Then the applicants will be invited to an oral examination in Paris. The final selection will be unveiled afterwards. 

I live very far from France. Do I have to come especially for the oral examination?
— No. Videoconference interviews are possible. 

I already work. Can I still do my work while studying at the ANRT?
— No. A full commitment is required. 

I live in Paris. Do I have to move to Nancy to study at the ANRT?
— It is highly recommended to live in Nancy to be able to do a proper one-year-long research. Each student will have his own workspace at the Atelier, and a permanent access to the equipment and documentary resources of the ANRT. 

What is exactly a research project at the ANRT?
— The fields are typeface design (latin and/or non-latin), editorial design (printed or on screen) and, in a general way, relations of typography with space, movement, architecture, new technologies, writing or fine arts. While a historical and theoretical support is needed, each project has to keep a practical dimension, aimed at the production of new forms. For the application stage, the project can remain a bit vague, the general idea is explained, as well as a few references. 

My project is not about typeface design. Is it an issue?
— No. Research at the ANRT questions typographical design in a wider sense : it can cover the relationships of typography with space, movement, architecture, new technologies, fine arts, literature. We frequently talk about typeface design but it is not the only field of research.

Teaching method

How is the teaching at the ANRT organized?
— Teachers are at the ANRT 2 days a week, on Thursday and Friday. Each teacher comes to the ANRT one or two times a month. The discussion mode alternates between group sessions and individual sessions. Each researcher has to regularly present the progression of his research and has to produce a synthesis paper at the end of the year. The year ends with an oral presentation, supervised by the teaching team and a special guest. 

I am interested in one of the research programs (ANRT/ATILF or ANRT/LORIA). Do I have to submit a research project?
— Not necessarily. An explanatory note about the applicant’s motivations may be enough. 

How are supervised the research programs linked with the partner laboratories?
— The supervision is combined, both the teachers of the ANRT and the researchers of partner laboratories are taking part in the project. These partnerships result in regular discussions with the researchers, access to the documentary resources of each laboratory, and perspectives of group publications. 

Do you give training on specific softwares?
— Yes. The researchers-students will benefit from a training on typeface design softwares. 

Are workshops or field trips planned?
— Yes. A field trip is organized every year. A thematic workshop takes place each semester. ANRT students also have to lead a workshop with students of the ENSA Nancy once a year.

Practical aspects

How much does a year at the ANRT cost?
— Registration fees are about 400€, to be paid to the ENSA Nancy. 

Is there a research allowance?
— Yes. A research grant of 4 450€ (paid in 6 times) is allowed to each of the 6 researchers-students. 

When does the academic year start?
— The academic year begins in October, in Nancy.


Application form


École nationale supérieure d’art et de design de Nancy
Atelier National de Recherche Typographique (ANRT)
1 place Charles Cartier-Bresson
BP 13129
54013 Nancy CEDEX