Thomas HUOT-MARCHAND, Davide FORNARI. Welcome address
Ferdinand ULRICH, Patrick BAUDELAIRE.Digital type from the day before yesterday and tomorrow
Julie BLANC, Clémence IMBERT. Typesetting and Publishing Tools: Beyond WYSIWYG
Maurice MEILLEUR. From score to algorithm to diagram
Anushah HOSSAIN. Creativity or Constraint? The Limits of Text Technologies for Non-Latin Scripts
Abeera KAMRAN. Reading Nasta‘līq: from print mastery to web failures
Kostas BARTSOKAS, Eleni BEVERATOU, Gerry LEONIDAS, Natalia QADREH, Emilios THEOFANOUS, Irene VLACHOU, and Alexios ZAVRAS. Consequences of being early and a few: unfinished business for Greek typography
Fraser MUGGERIDGE. Justified and unjustified setting (at the same time)
Olivier LEBRUN. Energy Made (Them) Visible, Chap. III, Jean Crampilh-Broucaret and le plancher de Jeannot (1971-1972)
Scott KIM.Knuth, Hofstadter, Warnock. An Eclectic Typographic Synthesis
Roland FRÜH, Sophie WIETLISBACH Anna-Lena WÜRTH. Impact Type
David BŘEZINA.What is a universal script grammar?
Ann BESSEMANS. The automatization of rhythm deduction in type
Giulio GALLI. The challenges of defining typographic parameters
Raphael HÄFLIGER, Kai BERNAU, Matthieu CORTAT ROLLER, Radim PEŠKO, Alice SAVOIE. Beyond “Beyond Bézier”
Niteesh YADAV. Beyond Screens: Reimagining Typography in Immersive Realities
François CHASTANET.Breaking the glass ceiling of open-path fonts’ export (and use)
Filip PALDIA & Samuel ČARNOKY.Generating fonts with transformers and normalised datasets
Petr VAN BLOKLAND.Combining machine learning and rule based digital assistants to create short design cycles for type design projects
Gary McGRAW. ML/AI, Typographic Design, and the Four “I”s
Erik VAN BLOKLAND.See Also: the cosine similarity in type design
Jany BELLUZ and Robert PRATLEY. How to Make COLRv1 Fonts Without a Font Editor
Jeremy TRIBBY. Italic Assistant: a multi-modal approach to automatic italics
Laurence PENNEY. Visualizing the mathematics inside variable fonts
Léna LE POMMELET, My-Lan THUONG. The OmniLatin Tool
Cédric ROSSIGNOL-BRUNET. Typographic Program
Filip PALDIA & Samuel ČARNOKY. Beyond The Stroke, The Skeleton Type Design Study
Marte VERHAEGEN. ROBOFONT: (Re-)introducing UFOStretch and RoundingUFO
Gaetan BAEHR, Jérémie HORNUS, Just VAN ROSSUM. Fontra
Philipp KOLLER. Burrowlab: A Parametric Type System
A Joint History of Unicode and OpenTypeAnushah HossainJune 3, 2024
Digital typography for indigenous African scriptsOreen Yousuf30 May 2024
Les Futurs de la lettreJean Alessandrini, Olivier Nineuil, Marie-Mam Sai Bellier11 April 2024
La Fabrique de Rudi MeyerRudi Meyer et Alexandre Dimos25 January 2024
Graffiti des noms et imaginaire typographique aux USA au XXe siècleFrançois Chastanet23 November 2023
Making/Remaking NeulandDan Reynolds, Edvinas Žukauskas, Jérôme Knebusch28 November 2023
Beyond UnicodeUnderwareLeçon inaugurale, 5 October 2023
Séminaire ABYME
Ouverture par Catherine Guiral, designer graphique et professeure à l’ENSAD Nancy.Catherine Guiral
Abyme. Type foundry, publisher of artist’s editions and multiples& John Morgan studioJohn Morgan & Adrien Vasquez
Abîmées, three typefaces for latin epigraphy in France and Germany,1846 – 1863 éditées par AbymeCharles Mazé
Anguille, un caractère vidéographique* édité par Abyme.Christophe Jacquet dit Toffe. Opérateur video, Clément Faydit. (*extraits seulement, pour droits commerciaux et de diffusion.)
Écrire avec des images
Framing space in Aztec writing: the Codex Mendoza as a model of transpositionLuciano Perondi
Nsibidi, écriture picto-idéographique du Nigeria. The Missing ScriptsMorgane Pierson & Arthur Francietta
Écriture universalisée vs écriture universelle, quelques enjeux politiques des pasigraphiesCharles Gautier
Design graphique et lexicologie: formes symboliques et styles de penséeAnne-Lyse Renon
Isotype: a modern picture scriptChristopher Burke
Au secours! Écrire le danger dans l’espace publicJohannes Bergerhausen
Johnny 51Jochen Gerner
Cohérence entre lettres, pictogrammes et émojisG. Baehr, J. Hornus & J. Soudanne
Vignettes, pictogrammes et figurés géométriques. Quels symboles ponctuels pour la cartographie?Gilles Palsky
Paulo de Cantos (1892–1979)S. Dégeilh & A. Silveira Gomes
Signes, symboles, systèmes: écritures figuratives et apprentissagesÉloïsa Pérez
L’ABCC du CACBColine Sunier & Charles Mazé
A familiar face: emoji design over timeColin M. Ford
Hommes et femmes sur Internet: qui utilise le plus d’émojis et d’émoticônes?Marie Flesch
Emoji experimentsDaniel Utz
Gotico-Antiqua Symposium
Art divin, machines infernalesOlivier Deloignon
Classifying 15th Century Letterforms, from manuscript to printMarc Smith
Venice in the early 1470sRiccardo Olocco
Armando – A contemporary interpretation of the Subiaco typeface by Sweynheym & PannartzMartina Meier
The Incunabulist’s approach to typography and the TWOliver Duntze
Automatic recognition of in-between fontsNicolas Weichselbaumer
L’histoire par le dessinA. Faudot & R. Ribas
Entre gothique et romain. Index d’une recherche inachevéeJérôme Knebusch
The most characteristic hybrid typefaceDan Reynolds
German hybrid typefaces of the early XXth centuryChristopher Burke
Images by Emery Walker for the types of William MorrisJames Mosley
Fanfare. The expressive blackletter grotesk from BerlinFerdinand Ulrich
Alphabetica 2019 West Den Haag
Introduction to the exhibition, project & symposiumJ. Bergerhausen & T. Huot-Marchand
Historic and Modern Minority Scripts in UnicodeDeborah Anderson
Missing Scripts: Maya scriptAlexandre Bassi
Missing Scripts: Afaka, a XXth century sillabary, for the Ndyuka language, an English-based creole of SurinameEmily Aurat
Missing Scripts: Elymaic, an early semitic scriptMorgane Pierson
Missing Scripts: a hieroglyphic typeface and studying the history of typography for ancient egyptianPierre Fournier
Missing Script Colloquium I
A Slowly Turning Wheel: Delays and Obstacles in Character Encoding.Michael Everson
Higher Order Writing Logic?Akiem Helmling
From Sound to ShapesIlka Helmig
Letters are numbersErik van Blokland
Missing Script Colloquium II
CryptoKit, une cartographie visuelle des technologies blockchainAnthony Masure & Océane JuvinAgora Artem #7, 25 mai 2023
L’écriture Proto-ElamiteFrançois DessetAgora Artem #3, 21 mars 2022
Une nouvelle histoire de l’écriture sur le Plateau iranienFrançois DessetAgora Artem #1, 19 oct. 2021
l’Unicode et le programme de recherche The Missing ScriptsThomas Huot-Marchand Agora Artem #1, 19 oct. 2021
L’écriture et la typographie en Iran aujourd’huiSina FakourAgora Artem #1, 19 oct. 2021
Book Pahlavi and Middle-Persian ScriptsAmir Mahdi MoslehiAgora Artem #1, 19 oct. 2021
L’écriture Elymaique et son adaptation typographiqueMorgane PiersonAgora Artem #1, 19 oct. 2021