Caractère Noël and the manufacturing of the typographic discourse

Taking as a starting point the figure of Maximilien Vox and his dual role as editor-in-chief and art director at the head of the special issues of the magazine Caractère (1949-1964), this work is based on the study of archival collections. It will analyse the influence of Vox in the establishment of a space for public discussion about graphic design and it will look at his decisive contribution to the development of typographic culture in France.

The aim of this project is to experiment with the editorial form as a research tool assessing the production, dissemination and development of a typographic rhetoric. This work draws on issues raised by theorists and researchers who have examined these aspects from a historical perspective.

Nevertheless, it is through graphic design, the object and subject of this research, that the project seeks to explore the close links that exist between editorial practice, graphic production and the construction of a specific point of view on graphic design.

Thus, this approach aims to reveal the potential qualities of the graphic designer in the conceptualisation of research tools within a common project of knowledge transmission.